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Thursday, October 30, 2008


Family Guy For President

In a recent episode of Family Guy Seth Mcfarlane states who has his support this presidential election. In The Family Guy Season 7 episode 3 Stewie and Brian are transported back in time to 1939 Nazi Germany. While trying to escape they duo steal Nazi uniforms. Stewie notices a familiar presidential campaign button on his stolen Nazi uniform. This was a obvious statement of likening the McCain-Palin to Nazi ideals.
On could wonder what this has to do with a Digital Revolution class? The answer is that now everyone can watch this episode over and over again on Hulu.

"Hulu is a website that offers free, ad-supported streaming video of TV shows and movies from NBC, FOX and many other networks and studios. Hulu videos are currently offered only to users in the United States."


30 min Commercial!

Carla Marinucci, Obama breaks ground tonight with 30 min Ad, SF Gate

This article describes the 30 min commercial that Barack Obama had last night

The Obama ad - part biography, part campaign commercial - will be hard to miss. It will be broadcast locally at 8 p.m. on CBS5 - between "Access Hollywood" and "Deal or No Deal" - and also on NBC affiliate KNTV and BET.
This is the first time a major-party presidential candidate has bought 30 minutes of time for a single commercial on national TV.
Michelle Obama, speaking Monday night to Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show," said it will put her husband "all over the place ... but I don't know what they're calling it."


Cyberspace presidential candidacy!

According to Chris Lefkow from Agence France Presse, Barack Obama would win over McCain if the presidential election was held in cyberspace.

"No other candidate has ever integrated the full picture the way Obama has, and that's whats really new about his campaign."

Obama, a 47 year old man verses the oldest man ever if elected to a first term as president, John McCain, 72 years old, has raised tens of millions of dollars and has used the internet for social networking to get volunteers and to reach millions of people.

"The Illinois senator has over 1.9 million supporters on Facebook.com compared to Arizona senator's 550,000 while over on the rival social network MySpace.com, Obama has over 650,000 friends to McCains's 150,000."

When comparing their videosharing on YouTube, Obama is well ahead again with 16.6 million video views verses McCain's 1.6 million.

Obama has been able to connect to his viewers by including photosharing site called "Flickr" in his Facebook, MySapce, Twitter and YouTube accounts, which shows 2,100 pages of Obama-related pictures.

This has led to other social groups such as:
"African-American (blackplanet.com, Gays and Lesbians (glee.com), Latinos (migente.com), and Asian-Americans (asianave.com) linking and having official Obama pages on their soical networking sites."
To top off how Obama continues to reach out to the public in the begining of October he launched an application for the Apple iPone called "Obama '08" and what this allows iphone users to do is track down Obama Headquarters and find local campaign events.

It is evident that Barack Obama would would by a landslide if the presidential election was done in cyberspace!


Digital Media in the 2008 presidential campaign

It's getting down to the wire. If Obama's new voter contact strategies work, there could be an unsuspecting wave of new voters that are completely missed by traditional tactics and polling surveys. Barack Obama's campaign put up a face book page. "W

elcome to the official Facebook Page of Barack Obama. Barack Obama would like you to see this video: Barack Obama: "We've Tried It John McCain's Way, and Barack: "We Have to Run Through the Finish Line". You can connect your Facebook account with your My.BarackObama.com account, and when you do that, you'll be able to find your Facebook friends who are also on My.BarackObama.com. In addition to that, each time that you attend a campaign event or make phone calls for Barack, that information will appear back on Facebook. Your friends will know exactly what you're doing to help elect Barack Obama our next president."

This new technology can shift the vote and register many to vote. Especially those in the online communities. Barack Obama's page on facebook is informative and serves as a great online motivator. Online participation translates to fundraising dollars and will definitely impact the polls.


New Media Campaign Promotes Barack Obama to Latinos in Key Battleground States

"Building on the tremendous success of the Amigos de Obama outreach campaign promoting Presidential candidate Barack Obama, Nueva Vista Media has launched, Viva Obama ’08, an online multimedia campaign focusing on key battleground states –Colorado, Florida, Nevada and New Mexico. The new website, www.vivaobama08.com will serve as a one-stop portal to promote Senator Obama and connect Latinos with local resources tied to the Latino Vote effort of the Obama campaign by providing New Media tools to help increase Latino voter turnout in November. There are 17 million eligible Latino voters in the United States who can make a difference in this election, particularly in the critical battleground states of Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and New Mexico."


The YouTube Campaign

YouTube Campaign Links:

Everyone agrees that YouTube has emerged as a powerful medium for political persuasion. Here are some examples from the BBC's "Top hits of the YouTube election "

The campaigns are all over YouTube:

The Barack Obama Channel

The John McCain Channel

Other Sources:

Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films Channel

Public Service Administration's Election 08 Channel

Here is a short interview with Arun Chaudhary, "director of field production" for Obama:

John McCain's Celeb Video attacking Obama for being a Celebrity:

Paris Hilton's Response:

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Obama and his financial success

According to Andrew Sullivan,

"There is only one real answer to Obama’s financial success: the internet. What Howard Dean, a previous candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, presaged in 2004 - when he raised $27m online for his campaign - has come to fruition only four years later with a candidate who is primed to take advantage of web power and a generation that is now used to relating, thinking, talking and meeting online."
Obama's model of raising money became a very big benefit because of all the "million little doners". This was an ongoing fund raiser for the debts which is still going on today. For some of his rallies, he needed peoples emails so that he could send them information on his to donate money and if that person had friends to send the email to as well. This was to gain more support and funds but also to spread the network wider. This is definitely a new form of politics that will be the future of politics.
"Obama’s most famous web videos were never commissioned by the candidate – they were created and disseminated spontaneously online – so his fundraising began to take on a life of its own."
There were also many web videos of Obama and people supporting Obama that led to more fundrasing and awarement. This idea of using facebook and other online networks to attain funds will make politics seep into the minds of everyone that searches the internet. This way more people will donate money and more people will acknoledge how awesome that politition is comapred whoever. Their face isn't all over the web which is such a great idea and it benefits everyone in the long run.
this video is amazing and its about obama.

AND please watch this video! it will make your day!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Barack Obama Says Hello . . .

Satire? Or netroots love for Barack?


Does the personal, interactive nature of the web create a false sense of intimacy with your candidate?



Current Events: Barack Obama Purchases Ad Space In Video Games

In light of the 2008 Presidential election occuring in the next week, I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate the upcoming election in my current events topic. Recently, Democractic presidential candidate Barack Obama has purchased ad space in eighteen different video games such as NFL's Madden 2009 and Guitar Hero. Gamers can see the ads as they appear on billboards and other types of signs. The ads are expected to run up until the night before the November 4 election.

The ads are cleverly concentrated, as officials for the Obama campaign said the video game ads target 10 states in specific, which include several battleground states such as Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Montana, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nevada, New Mexico, Florida, and Colorado. Not coincidentally, these states also allow for early voting and some of the ads go as far as plugging a website that allows eligible voters to submit their ballots.

Obama is the first presidential candidate to campaign in such a manner and his target audience appears to be males between the ages of 18-34; a notoriously tough demographic to reach. This is supported by the types of games in which the Obama campaign is advertising, which are mostly sports games such as NBA, NHL, and NASCAR games.

The duration of these ads vary from state to state and the exact cost of these ads are unspecified, according to Electronic Arts Inc. spokeswoman Holly Rockwood.


A "Cesspool" of Disinformation?

“In a world of disinformation, which is the future . . . "
--Google CEO Eric Schmidt

[Source: Jack Myers, "Magazines Are Solution to Web's "Cesspool of Disinformation," Says Google's Eric Schmidt" Huffington Post, October 9, 2008. ]

Eric Schmidt's recent remarks at the American Magazine Conference have caused a stir in the blogosphere.

According to Myers, Schmidt is worried about the future of news: “the future of high quality journalism is a huge problem. A reasonable prediction is that there will be fewer voices. More money is needed to fund high quality work.”

As the media economy becomes more competitive there is less money to fund quality journalism. Schmidt predicts "fewer voices" (media concentration) but the lack of quantity may be compensated for by the preservation of quality journalism. So, what are the news media to do?

The resources necessary for "high quality journalism" will not come from the revenues generated by the printed page: Print, according to Schmidt, “will be a smaller component of a much larger online business, serving an audience that consumes in a different way.” Younger consumers will demand an more "interactive experience" and print must move online to meet that demand.

But the online world requires the content that quality journalism produces. According to Schmidt the Internet is “becoming a cesspool,” of useless information. Here is Schmidt's solution according to Myers:

“In a world of disinformation, which is the future,” he said, “brands are the solution. Brand affinity is hard wired and fundamental to the human condition – who you trust and who you don’t. People want real value, real information, real leadership and messages of hope.”

Schmidt is proposing a collaboration between the magazines and companies like Google to save the "brands" of quality journalism as they shift away from print and move online. An online business model will generate the revenue necessary to support the production of "quality journalism."

It's brand loyalty that will help keep our noses above the surface of this cesspool of disinformation. Set the algorhythm for the quality journalism of the American magazine and help Google help the magazines generate brand loyalty for your favorite news provider.

I would like to take this opportunity to pledge my brand loyalty/allegiance to the New York Times, one nation under the Wall Street Journal, and to the BBC for which it stands, with brand loyalty and quality journalism for all.

[ R.I.P. Christian Science Monitor Print Edition ]

For more pearls of wisdom from Eric Schmidt check this out:

Google CEO Eric Schmidt

"The Future of Technology,"

Bloomberg Headquarters in NYC (October 20, 2008.)

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Politics and Digital Revolution

We speak a lot bout if in class, how the presidential candidates use media and the WWW to spread their popularity.

Well today it hits Facebook it the face with a limited, today only you can virtually send your friends a McCain or Obama button!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Monitoring the End of Print

The New York Times reports that the Christian Science Monitor will no longer be printed every day. In April the paper will only appear online and in a weekly magazine format. CSM is a respectable news operation that has great international coverage. Will they be able to remain solvent if they don't publish any papers? As a non-profit paper owned by the Christian Scientists the Monitor is not your typical for-profit newspaper, but you can bet that publishers are going to keep an eye on this daring move.

Watch Editor John Yemma and publisher John Wells describe the decision to eliminate the print edition at CSM



Obama's Social Network

O'Hear, Steven. (2007, February 10). Barack Obama launches social network. Retrieved October 28, 2008, from ZDnet.

O'Hear states on ZDnet that Barak Obama has used digital campaigning to help build up support for his political campaign. He has launched his own social network called MyBarackObama.com. The site allows supporters to create a profile, blog their campaign experiences, plan and attend events, find other supporters, and help raise funds for the campaign. He was the first candidate to create a social networking site of his own.

"It's clear that the two main functions of Obama's social network is to help supporters organize events and connect locally with others, as well as raise the
cash needed to fund the campaign."

I believe that digital politics is good for the candidates and the country because now the candidates are able to reach a wide audience with less expenses. It is useful for the people and supporters to gain more information about candidates and their efforts in their campaign. Barak's decision to build his own social network was an intelligent thing to do because it invites more people to ban together as a community and get other supporters, raise money, and retrieve information. In addition to Obama's own social network he also has an official presence on Facebook and Youtube and also an unofficial presence on Myspace. On the contrary with his own social networking site people are more liable to be highly active members than on Myspace or Facebook where they just are being added to a group.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


R.I.P Newspaper

The article discusses the idea that newspapers are becoming extinct. If society has stopped reading.What does that mean for newspapers? Does this mean that if we have another president like Nixon, today he whould not have been brought down by the News media? the answer is no we as a society are bringing dirty politicians to light on our own accord. All each of us need is a isp, a computer, a keyboard, and a mouse to report the news of the nation as well as the world. the newspapers:

"Having ignored reality for years, newspapers are at last doing something.
In order to cut costs, they are already spending less on journalism. Many
are also trying to attract younger readers by shifting the mix of their
stories towards entertainment, lifestyle and subjects that may seem more
relevant to people's daily lives than international affairs and politics

As a person that no longer reads the paper or watchs the news, i say "save the
trees, stop printing and get online, newspaper corporations. Allow the trees
to do what they were put on earth provide(oxygen). After all , the news
instantaneously becomes the past while its being written, so leave
the trees alone.


The Future of the News Media

The traditional news media are facing an economic crisis as their audience moves online. What is to be done? What will the new business model be?

Check out this workshop on the news media sponsored by Princeton University's Center for Information Technology Policy:

The Future of the News Conference
Princeton University, May 14, 2008
(Source: UChannel)

Keynote Address: Paul Starr
Paul Starr (Professor of Communications and Public Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University

Panel #2: Economics of the News
Gordon Crovitz (former publisher, The Wall Street Journal.)
Mark Davis (Vice President for Strategy, The San Diego Union-Tribune.)
Eric Alterman (Professor of Journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.)


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Conjoining Ways of Journalism

MacMillan, R. (2005). Witnesses to History. Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Washingtonpost.
MacMillan talks of how the citizen journalism has really helped in the past with the bomb attacks on London. The people who were there were able to give breaking news on what was going on. He states that the essence of reporting is to provide vivid, factual accounts of history as it happens around us. He also states that professional journalist are trying to keep the money coming in while citizen journalist are making their rounds.

"The London attacks moved the trend to a new level. Web sites from the BBC's to the Guardian's provided eyewitness accounts, some showing up as little as an hour or two after the first bomb went off. They ran alongside the staff reporters' accounts and presumably with the same amount of editing."

There is a cliché that states the early bird that wakes up in the morning gets the breakfast. This relates to the journalist and the citizen journalist because both are competing with each other to get the true story and news to the people first. Journalist are complaining that citizen journalist are taking their profits. I think that citizen journalism is good because it fills in the gaps that other news cannot. We do not need to be feuding over which one is better or what money is being lost. The solution is to conjoin the citizen journalist and the professional journalist into the journalist professional operation. Therefore the audience and the people can get a full, clear, story of what really happened to the best of every one's ability.


Second Essay Assignment Available on Angel

The second essay assignment is available in the Assignments folder of the Learning Modules section of Angel. It is due on November 6.



Current Events: Digital Ads on Buses

According to CBS news,

"New York's transit agency is testing digital advertising screens
on the side of buses. The screens can target ads for specific
neighborhoods. The ads, which resemble TV commercials,
could even advertise coffee in the morning, and beer after work."

This is a huge technological advance. Businesses will make huge profits and consumers will be well informed and immersed in advertisements. This transforms advertisement from t.v commercials and billboard to digital and personalized advertisement.The system would be capable of running an ad for high-end retailer like Macy's while outside a rival Bloomingdales location, or change advertising to promote restaurants in the area. Some advertisers already signed up to appear on buses in New York. These include Coca-Cola, Sprite, mattress maker Sleepy's, Dunkin Donuts and Oreos. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is testing the system on a Manhattan route, with an eye toward 200 buses in the first quarter of next year.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Enhancement of Cell Phone Technology Makes Everyone a Reporter

Thanks to a new wave of cell phone technology, everyone has the ability to become a reporter if need be. A South Korean newspaper journalist identified as Hong was arrested 3 years ago after belligerantly assaulting innocent citizens. After an argument with a taxi driver, a drunken Hong attacked the driver, punching him in the face and kicking him in the groin. Hong also went after hotel employees at Koreanna Hotel in the city of Seoul. So how was he caught? Hotel cameras? A call to the police? Both wrong. Hong was busted as a result of the taxi driver's cell phone camera. The driver, identified as a man named Ahn, recorded the assaultings on his cell phone and within hours the video was being shown on all major broadcasting stations in Korea.

This incident is not the first of its kind, and it won't be the last either. However, Sunmoon University professor Hwang Keun believes this is the future of citizen journalism:

"This case demonstrates the possibility that citizen journalism will not be limited to writing and pictures. Now everybody armed with a camcorder phone is a potential TV reporter and Ahn showcased it against a newspaper reporter"

Keun and many others all across the world are confident in the belief that citizen-based journalism will only gain momentum as technology continues to improve at a rapid pace.


High Tech surveillance would allow real-time activity for security officials to react

According to Robert Block from the Wall Street Journal he wrote an article called "U.S. to Expand Domestic Use Of Spy Satellites," in 2007 and stated that "Plans to provide DHS with significantly expanded access have been on the drawing board for over two years. The idea was first talked about as a possibility by the Central Intelligence Agency after 9/11 as a way to help better secure the country."
Has this occured, No but it time for the idea to take some shape!

Since 9/11 as Americans we have taken some steps to securing our safety against another terrorist attack but with the use of Spy Satellite why aren’t more official government/state departments able to use such a powerful source of defense? The article states that:

Access to the high-tech surveillance tools would, for the first time, allow Homeland Security and law-enforcement officials to see real-time,high-resolution images and data, which would allow them, for example, to identify smuggler staging areas, a gang safehouse, or possibly even a building being used by would-be terrorists to manufacture chemical weapons .

The spy satelllites were built for the Defense Department and according to Pentagon officials, the government only gave information to federal law enforcement on a case by case basis with special permission from the president. The question that we are all asking is:"Is it an invasion of our privacy?"

I think it would be in our best interest as Americans for the spy satellite to be available to more government and state officials to help secure our safety. If we are not doing anything wrong than what do we need to hide. What we do need to focus on is that the "right" people have acccess to view the information and redefine what privacy really is. With all the advanced technology available and all of our personal information out there anyway how it all comes together is what is important. We need to work on a way to make sure before accusing someone of being part or some group or doing some illegal act that the evidence is correct.


Digital Freedom

In the article, A Net Control, Steven Levy talks to John Walker the founder of autodesk. Walker discusses his beliefs of the open Internet becoming under complete control. Walker states,
"In the past couple of years, he noticed a disturbing
trend. Developments in technology, law and commerce
seemed to be directed toward actually changing the
open nature of the net. In the future he believes that
nothing will be able to even appear on the Internet with
out having a proper technical authorization."
There are many advantages and disadvantages to this type of digital control. However, I feel that the advantages out way the disadvantages. On major advantage would be eliminating predators, pedophiles, and individuals doing criminal acts that may harm or kill. This openness and freedom of the Internet allows criminals to conceal their identity and prey on innocent people. There needs to be some type of control and management of this free world of anonymity.


One step closer...

Here we go again, another way to be more productive. No it's not yoga or movie break time (which totally work btw), it's actually microblogging.

"Mircoblogging?" you might ask, and my answer would be...yes. Microblogging is a way for people to update a blog via a website like Twitter.com. You can do it from your cell phone, mp3 player if you got one with email or Internet, with email or instant messenger. So it basically takes everything and puts it into one.

So you can see how this can be a popular thing socially. However, it is now being used for more practical uses. According to a newyorktimes.com article, companies like Cisco, Xerox and Hewlitt-Packard use a service called Yammer with thousands of their employees.

Internet business sure is paying off.



"Readers act as online editors, thats News to me"

In the article that Randy Dotinga wrote called, "Write the news yourself!," in 2005, explains that some sites allow you to edit material but others like nwespapers are a little more anal. On the site wikipedia , you are allowed to edit the material but the editing happens anytime, is free! Newspapers have more guidelines and rules for editing their pages.
"It seems reasonable to focus on the Internet: 1 in 5 readers prefers newspaper websites to printed editions, states a new Nielsen/NetRatings survey..."Success hinges on whether newspapers can bring themselves to loosen up, he says. "Engaging the readers in a conversation is essential...It won't be long before a user scoops the newsroom," says Kevin Kaufman, Daily Camera new media editor. "That will be an interesting and terrific day."

This business with the newspaper readers going online more to read is a bit crazy. There is a new world of things on the internet and this old timer of the actual newspaper is changing to the news-internet. Papers are also testing community news pages, where readers can post softball scores, photos of their pets, or actual news coverage. And maybe soon there wont be any news from an actual newsroom- it will be average people that post the news in their area whenever. not like the news on T.V is actual news anyway- usually there is someone who hurt her ankle in walmart so there is a dispute...is that really news? So in the near future, people will be editing these news sites and putting up blogs about recent activities, much more interesting then walmart.


DARPA: Video Surveillance in Real-Time?

Washington Post reporter Walter Pincus describes the latest in video surveillance technology employed in Iraq. According to a DARPA report this technology captures:
"Real-time streaming video of Iraqi and Afghan battle areas taken from thousands of feet in the air can follow actions of people on the ground as they dig, shake hands, exchange objects and kiss each other goodbye.

The video is sent from unmanned and manned aircraft to intelligence analysts at ground stations in the United States and abroad. They watch video in real time of people getting in and out of cars, loading trunks, dropping things or picking them up. They can even see vehicles accelerate, slow down, move together or make U-turns."
Pincus relates that the key to the success of this video technology is not in its ability to distinguish greater detail but that it will be able to be searched and indexed in real time so that this video intelligence becomes useful to the military. Here is the key quote cited by Pincus from the DARPA paper (March 2008):

"The U.S. military and intelligence communities have an ever increasing need to monitor live video feeds and search large volumes of archived video data for activities of interest due to the rapid growth in development and fielding of motion video systems."

New systems of video surveillance using drones can capture much more video at greater resolution in real-time. But who can watch all of this? It would take an army of analysts watching 24/7 to react to the data and act on it. So there is a race to create software that can take this raw footage and index and archive it for searching in real-time. This will allow cross-referencing of a vast amount of video. According to Pincus:

"Systems also exist that allow tracking, moving-target detection of objects under forest or other cover and determination of exact geographic location. Development is underway of systems that allow recognition of faces and gait -- in other words, human identification.

Currently, because there are so many activities or objects to be watched for hints of suspicious behavior, "more analysts . . . watch the same, real-time video stream simultaneously," according to DARPA. "If any of the given activities or objects are spotted, the analyst issues an alert to the proper authorities."

Future collection systems are expected to provide even more imagery, cover areas greater than 16 square miles and make it more difficult "for a limited number of analysts to effectively monitor and scrutinize all potential activities within the streaming field of view," DARPA wrote.

Today's volume of intelligence data, beyond just streaming video, already "makes it very difficult to detect specific events in real time and too time intensive to search archived video," the DARPA paper said. The effort underway is designed to find a way to index similar activity, then search and retrieve it from archives. The proposed new system should be able to analyze real-time streaming video as it is received in a ground station and match it on command to archived video from more than one video library."

Predator drones are well known for there ability to lob missiles at targets without endangering an American pilot. These aircraft were first created as collectors of intelligence, not killers. They engage in "armed reconnaissance." The development of this software for processing raw video data will allow the Predator to become an even more efficient killer.

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Text Message Monitoring

Source: Alana Semuels,
"I'm an employer, and I do not approve of this text message,"
Los Angeles Times, October 15, 2008.

Alana Semuels of the L.A. Times reports that employers are starting to install software that can monitor, filter and block text messages sent on company phones. The article discusses Onset Technology's METAmessage Advanced Compliance Tool:

"We scan and block text messages so the company makes sure there are no text messages going out that violate company policy," said Zack Silvinger, the company's vice president of business development and marketing.
That means if your company has decided that curse words, sexually explicit words, or even the word "beer" aren't acceptable, you'll be thwarted every time you try to send a text message with banned words on it. What's more, your message will be sent to the human resources department. Yikes!
This "Advanced Compliance Tool" can be used to safe guard data and prevent leaks as well as for surveillance of employees. There is another company is selling a similar software to parents so that they can read their children's text messages and block messages from unwanted senders.

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Monday, October 20, 2008


wireless power

Lets say you had a late night. Lets say you forgot to charge your PDA, and your entire presentation was on it.  Imagine if your PDA, cell phone or your laptop could know when your battery is low and it would just charge itself. If that was real it would save your day, and perhaps, save your job. It sounds a little far fetched, but from a new technology  known as "inductive coupling" we could see a world without wires.  Marlin Soljacic creator,  got the idea when his cell phone woke him up, he was annoyed because the phone continuously beeped because the battery was low.  He began to think of ways that could transfer power wirelessly.

This technology can be compared to wi-fi, all you do is plug this transmitter into your wall and it will be able to charge your battery in your cell phone with out plugging it in the wall.  By using magnetic fields these "base stations" your plug in emit energy that can charge your battery or even power your television. 
This his Sljacic' explanation of his wireless energy system.
"The base station would fill a space with low frequency electromagnetic field in the range of a few megahertz.  A gadget would be equipped with a receiver, like the power- harvesting circuits used in RFID (radio frequency identification) to collect ambient energy. Soljacic's circuit would be designed to resonate at the same frequency as the radiation emitted by the power station.  When the device came within a couple of meters of the station, circuitry would absorb the energy, charging the device's battery."

There are lots of possibilities with inductive coupling, this could have a huge impact on people's lives. Will this be too expensive for the average people? Will it solve the nation's energy crisis?Is this going to be affordable, or just another toy for billionaires? Many questions emerge from this topic and only time can answer them.  

Saturday, October 18, 2008


China's Internet Dictatorship

In an article by Ma Jian in The Korea Herald, Jian discusses the dictatorship on the internet in China. Since it's intial connection to the world wide web in the mid 90's, China's access to the internet is still being guarded and blocked by the Chinese government.

In an effort to extend the current Communist reigme in China, the government has made an $800 million investment in something called "The Golden Shield Project" which is designed to block the Chinese people from obtaining information via the internet. Some of the information being blocked are international web sites based in other countries, the monitoring of e-mail and other public sysems, and even the ability to take away PC's and send out viruses.

China is the only known nation that recognizes people as a "web criminal", and radical views opposing government or even the publication of an internet article that is seen unfit by the Chinese government is punishable by law and could result in imprisonment. Since 2000, hundreds of web criminals have been imprisoned and many are "baited" by user-friendly web pages to share their ideas and beliefs.

"The Golden Shield" has caused some pretty unbelievable numbers to surface. For example, the average life span of a server in China is 30 minutes. 17,000 internet cafes have been shut down. 80 million citizens are susceptible to have their e-mails monitored and even intercepted. With such a heavy investment and aid from Western technology, unfortunately there is no way of knowing if or when the shield will ever cease to exist.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


The Golden Shield

China is becoming more and more technologically advanced by the minute but the government won't allow the people to see a lot of the information that is available. The Golden shield is an automatic digital system of public policing that will help prolong Communist rule by denying China's people the right to information.The internet police monitor the internet every click you take. It is actually really scary that the government is paying so close attention to the peoples recreational activities. Its really not a fair thing to do to surpress the people even more then they already are. The Golden Shield Project is the Communist Party's largest single investment in the ideological field in China. From the governments perspective, this will prevent any groups of people that want to rebel. the government will be able to infiltrate the group and make arrests without them proceding with anything but chatter. But it also shows that the government can find no better way to deal with netizens' discussion. Compared to other media in China, the internet is still the most free. It is powerful among young people no matter whether they are chatting online or playing games. It will be difficult for the government to control.


How safe is it PERIOD, on the NET???

It's a regular day your online browsing the net and find an interesting magazine you want to subscribe. So you fill in the blanks, your name , address, number etc. A day later you have trillions of subscribing info to other companies in your inbox. You've just been sent to everything practically. The net is squeezing every penny and benefit they can find and once they've got you they dont want to let you go. From your last 4 digits of your social and your credit card info almost anyone can get on to see it all. Everything is possible...who knows with one click away someone might just know your whole government, LITERALLY. The police of University of Oklahoma site(http://www.ou.edu/oupd/idtheft3b.htm#OHMY)posts a list of ways to know if you have been a victim of identity theft and how to prevent it. Amongst them are checking if the deliviring address is correct call the number and make sure its legitimate. Using credit instead of debit is better when buying something offline because you can easily dispute it. Not opening spam mail and unknown email addresses. Below is a video of internet privacy and how google is supposedly selling our information and supporting it, of course it may not all be true but it was a funny description of the new "big brother" GOOGLE.

Below is also a video of internet safety and how the internet is becoming a "playground for criminals."


Who's Watching?

This article explains that with the current evolution of technology such as MPeg4, camcorders, cameraphones,and RFID chips people will have less privacy than they used to. People call this ivasion of privacy "sousveillance." "The reason sousveillance is such a concern is that it is not under control and there are no transparently obvious ways it could be brought under control.

If a major retailer were to abuse customers' privacy, customers could at least look to a watchdog to do something about it. If a government department does something silly with your personal data, I imagine there is an ombudsman to whom you could complain. But if someone with a cameraphone snaps you going to a sensitive business meeting and then emails it to a competitor, it is hard to imagine what could done about it." According to this article the current evolution of technology and "Souveillance" is an ivasion of privacy.


Governments Stifling Online Free Expression

The article, Reporters Without Borders reveals how China's Communist party takes complete control of internet use and freedoms of expressions are restrained. The article states,
"At the start of May 2004, 61 people were nonetheless
in detention for posting message or articles on the
Internet that were considered subversive. Since May
2003, 17 of them have been tried and sentenced to terms
of up to 14 years in prision."
Individuals are beign imprisioned for trying to access independent information, and speaking on issues that concern them or just topics they wish to discuss. Sadly, big companies like Yahoo further oppress these people by agreeing to censor the Chinese version of its search engine and to control its discussion forums. Millions of dollars are beign made, but human rights are beign ignored.


Behind the Golden Shield: Internet in China

China Digital Times: Video: Sino-Korean Online Gaming Tensions, (October 8, 2008.)

Description: "This video of a Korean gamer’s rant against Chinese gamers and Chinese civilization in general has been making the rounds in Chinese cyberspace."

Journeyman Pictures video about "Internet Addiction--China" (January, 2008)

Description: "Pressure on Chinese children to succeed is turning them into reclusive computer junkies. The Internet has become the only place they can escape. "

Journeyman Pictures video about "The Great Fire Wall of China" (May, 2008)

Description: "China has the most sophisticated censorship and Internet surveillance in the world. But despite this autocratic control some guerrilla bloggers are still managing to get their message through. "

"Virtual Carnivores," China's Online Vigilantes, The Economist, (October 2, 2008)

Description: "Untold legions police the Internet in China to block information deemed politically threatening. But the world’s biggest online population still has a wild streak. Worries are growing about Internet vigilantes who mount “renrou sousuo”, or “human-flesh searches”, to ferret out perceived wrongdoers.""

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Shadow Factory: NSA Surveillance of Americans

Journalist James Bamford has been covering the National Security Administration for decades. He is the author of three books on the subject. His latest book is The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA From 9/11 To The Eavesdropping On America. He discusses the role of the NSA increasing surveillance of American citizens at home and around the world

Listen to a great interview with Bamford on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross

Watch Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! interview with Bamford (You can also read a transcript.)

Here is a speech by Bamford and Chris Calabrese (Program Counsel of the ACLU Technology and Liberty Project) hosted by the Washington ACLU (February 2007):

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Watching China's Digital Revolution

Looking for a source to help you keep up with the digital revolution in China? China Digital Times is a "collaborative news website" created by "Berkeley China Internet Project (BCIP) out of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley."

Here's the link:

China Digital Times: Information Revolution


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Who is the Real Big Brother?

Birch, D. (2005, July 14). The Age of Sousveillance. Retrieved October 14, 2008, from The Guardian.

Birch refers to the book 1984 term Big Brother to today's developing technology being used by the government as surveillance. He feels that there is no need to worry about government becoming Big Brother and taking over our privacy with new technology. Birch feels that we as people and society will become the real Big Brothers using technology to invade on each other's privacy. He relates it to someone using their camera phone to take pictures of a private business meeting and sending it to a competitor.

"In a world of matchbox-sized MPeg4 camcorders and cameraphones, of always-on broadband and RFID, your next-door neighbours will be the nemesis of privacy."

"Thus it is interesting to note the police appeal for photos, video and cameraphone media in the wake of the terrorist outrage. It could be these, rather than CCTV, that contain the key clue to the identity of the bombers: confirmation that Big Brother is us, not them."

Unless you have read the book 1984 or have some familiarity with it than you would not be able to fully understand this article. Constantly people see movies such as IRobot and the new movie Eagle Eye, where government builds these machines and greater technology that is suppose to help us and make life easier. Except the machines take this concept too far and end up watching and controlling our every move so that we are living in the most humanly efficient way which to us is taking over all our privacy and ability to make decisions for ourselves.

Birch is saying that if this centralization was to really happen it would have happened already because we are beyond the point of technological advancement that George Orwell was referring to in 1984. Birch believes the real threat lies in our own communities. I believe that it is true that people do invade on each other's privacy but only by a limited basis. One person can only invade on so many people's privacy. Personally I still believe government has more power and opportunity to surveillance people's on a mass scale. Technology is improving and becoming crazier with the things that people are allowed to do, who knows what will be next and who it will benefit.


Golden Shield News Report

NTDTV's "Zooming In" with Kean Wong reporting on the case of Shi Tao, who was arrested by the Chinese government with the help of account information provided by Yahoo.


Online Freedom

Geist, M. (2005, May 3). Face To Face With The Great Firewall Of China. Retrieved October 12, 2008, from Sethf.

Michael Geist states that we all have the Internet but we do not access the same one. There are limitations in some countries like China and little to no limitations in countries like Canada. Geist talks about his visit to China and his frustrations with getting access to certain things on the Internet. He explains that some people feel it only affects politics and that business can be conducted without interference.
"Google News, a popular aggregator of news stories from around the world, would not load into my browser, apparently blocked by a filtering system. It became clear that the Chinese system was filtering my email messages and cutting off the connection. Searches for articles on circumventing the Chinese filters yielded a long list of results, none of which could be opened."
I believe countries like China have too many limitations on people's access to the Internet. Online there should be freedom to look at what ever you want and educate yourself on any political or social views. I also do not think it is fair to say that the surveillance over the Internet does not interfere with business because I think it does. Politics is apart of life making it integrate into business. Therefore if the government is filtering political information than they can be filtering information that is vital to better operate or educate a business.

Monday, October 13, 2008


censorship in china

While there are a lot of freedoms that people take for granted, it wasn't until reading about censorship in China did I really begin to appreciate the freedom of speech that we have in America. If I or, someone else wants to discuss their dislike of politics or nearly anything, they have the right to do so. Now, if we were in China, and we wanted to blog about these issues we could face imprisonment. In Ma Jian's article ""China's Internet Dictatorship ," he gives examples of just how serious this censorship has become.

"Chinese Web criminal, Lin Haiyin, was imprisoned for instigating subversive
actions in 2000 to the recent arrest of writer Shi Tao, more than 100
independent intellectuals have been imprisoned for expressing their views.
Internet monitoring is also behind the constant rise in the number of Falun Gong
practitioners executed by the state - a total of 1,692 as of April 18."

China is quickly becoming the economic and technological leader of the world, but people do not have the rights that Americans take for granted. If I was in China, I would not be able to bolg about this issue. In fact, I wouldn't even be able to access this web page. The censorship in China applies not only to the internet, but also to the media and educational institutions. China is hurting the progress of the digital revolution by censoring their people. Chinese Government issued the "Golden Shield Project" also know as the Great Firewall in China, which is basically an orginization that polices and observes the internet. This project is holding the people of China down. It is not allowing freedom of speech, and is basically denying the people freedom of thought. There are many great minds in the world, and given the size of the population, odds are there are a lot in China, but if these young minds are continuously held back and censored, they may never reach their true potential.


Free For All Pt.2

University of Minnesota.Controversial software freedom activist to speak at U of M on Oct. 21. 10/6/2008

Most of the computing foundation on the web is is built on the GNU General Public License and other free software license like BSD and Apache. The Free Software Movement is rooted in a 'copyleft' concept.

"The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System," he will discuss the Free Software Movement, which campaigns for the freedom of computer users to cooperate and control their own computing activities."

The copyleft concept is pioneered by leading free software advocate Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation and the GNU project. 'Copyleft' is "the practice of using copyright law to remove restrictions on distributing copies and modified versions of a work for others and requiring that the same freedoms be preserved in modified versions." Simply put, it's a method for making programs free.

The video above shows just a handful of software made available because of the free software license.

An innovator creating a product and keeping the idea all to themselves vs involving the masses and getting other creative minds involved in the process can only promote the quality and effectiveness of that product. Without these other free innovators we would all be at the mercy of software giants, which would only give them more power than they have now. Even the biggest of companies, such as Microsoft and Google, benefit from the GNU and other free software license.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Free for all

Meyers, Michelle. FCC report negates free Internet interference claims. October 11, 2008

"The FCC has been considering auctioning 25 megahertz of spectrum in the 2155MHz to 2180MHz band. As part of the rules for using the spectrum, the FCC plans to require license holders to offer some free wireless broadband service."

A computer without an Internet connection in this information on demand age is practically handicap. The FCC sees the plan as a way of providing high-speed Internet service to the millions of Americans that can't afford it. Existing provider TMobile argues that opening up this spectrum would cause interference and disrupt service. However, Fridays report stated the spectrum could be used "without a significant risk of harmful interference."

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Digital Democracy

Wireless internet is getting easier to find, especially in metropolitan areas, specificly in New York City's park system. Wifisalon is a company that has set up internet hotspots in 8 parks, in central park alone there are 7 hotspots where anyone can pick up free internet. The reasoning is that the city wants tourists to easily find tourist attractions without hassle. NYCwireless is a non-profit organization that advocates and enables the growth of free wireless Internet access in New York City. It was founded in 2001 and it's an all-volunteer organization and serves thousands of individuals throughout the New York City metro area.


Virtual Cupcakes Make Me Hungry

Rosenberg, Dave. The virtual goods economy is booming October 10, 2008

"The basic premise for virtual good sales is that they are bite-sized and
therefore people are more willing to make small purchases instead of large
purchases; ie. you'll buy a candy bar but not a car.
Rob called this
approach "snack food" which appeals to the new generation of"digital natives",
people who have far more communication with online/connected friends then they
do with people in real life."

It's confirmed, the world is now living in an illusion. A digital economy is "based on electronic goods and services produced by an electronic business and traded through electronic commerce." Viximo, a virtual goods provider has grown and is growing immensely because of this new form of gifting. So far this year, Facebook has made $34.5 million in virtual goods revenue.

In a declining economy, how can people possibly spend so much on an illusion and still manage to complain about inflating gas prices. I think a reorganization of priorities needs to occur.

Monday, October 06, 2008


In a world where internet is everywhere....

It's 'bout time someone thought of this. Wireless internet via wi-fi all over the world. This means that as you drive down your local street you can stream internet radio, or let your kids watch youtube in the back, or even their favorite movie or tv show. Or you can be lost nd able to access directions instantly to your next location. The world would become networked.

That is what Martin Varsavsky is trying to do with his FON idea. It is essentially a huge network of wi-fi hotspots all around the world. The catch is that everyone needs to be using the FON network for it to work. This way it would be like a video game made for playstation only. Someone with an xbox can't play.

This idea is fantastic, but I think that if it was more around the universal remot idea it would be better. This way more companies would be able to participate in the sales of routers and other hardware.

This has been being used in almost every location of starbuck and duckin dougnuts is now the home to wi-fi hotspot. Anyone cn come in and use these spots to access email, read the news, or do anything they would normally do in public and on the internet.

A group of people actually had a laugh at the idea of wi-fi because not everyone has a laptop. These people are called improv artists. Here is a clip......(i found it!! www.improveverywhere.com)

Anyways, I hope this happens, because I don't have enough for the Sprint package.

Peace out.

Friday, October 03, 2008


Africa Embraces 21st Century With Growing Cell Phone Market

Africa has become the world's largest growing cell phone market, and many people in poor rural areas are becoming connected to the 21st century by this development. In an article by Sharon Lafraniere, she states that from 1999-2004, the number of mobile subscribers in Africa has increased from 7.5 million to 76.8 million, an increase of 58%. To put that tremendous percentage in perspective, the second largest growing cell phone market, Asia, increased just 34% during that time span.

Lafraniere describes this cell phone boom came as somewhat of a surprise, considering most Africans live on less than $2 per day or less. However, most African nations began privatizing their telephone monopolies, and started to sell "air time" in cheaper units for more affordable prices. Now, 1 in every 11 Africans are mobile subscribers.

Despite the fact that Africa has an average of just one land line for every 33 people and only about 60% of Africans are within reach of a signal, many Africans across the continent still view this technological boom as a tremendous positive. The phones are not just positively effecting individuals, but also small and personally owned businesses of all types.

With the demand for more cell phone towers increasing, several companies are working hard to add more towers and base stations to ensure that the 60% of Africans within reach of a signal continues to increase.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Internet Service Providers (ISP)

McCullagh, Declan. (2005, June 23). Should cities be ISPs? Retrieved October 1, 2008, from Cnet News

The author McCullagh stated on Cnet News that people were infuriated by the municipal governments decision to give the town free Internet access. Even though these people and private owned business may believe that the government would over tax and regulate their business, it is better for the low-income residents to have free access to the Internet. Having the government provide Internet allows for them to cut back on telecommunication cost, and it also allows people the same opportunity to prosper in the 21st century.

"When Philadelphia's city government decided to sell wireless access to downtown residents last year, a furious political fight in the state capital erupted."

"Neff said the estimated $10 million project could ultimately save the city's government up to $2 million in telecommunications bills, which it could in theory reroute to other social programs. Municipal governments need to do this because "we want to ensure our families and children have the abilities they need to compete in the 21st century."

I think everyone should have the same opportunity to get Internet access. I do not believe it is fair for the government to provide free Internet access but I also do not believe it is fair for the cable and phone companies to duopolize the market either. By having businesses, people have jobs and it allows for the economy to prosper. The lower income residents should get government vouchers to help them afford Internet access and the private corporations can stay in business. If the government hands out the voucher efficiently than they can save money on their telecommunication bills. It is a win-win situation.


Why Bender abandoned O.L.P.C.

Walter Bender the overseer of of software development for O.L.P.C left in April. Some have ruminated that Bender in actually a free open source fundamentalist. Mr. Negroponte stated was a possible reason for the break with his longtime collaborator. However, Mr. Bender wrote in to the article stating:

"Mr. Negroponte is wrong when he asserts that I am a free and open-source (FOSS) fundamentalist. I am a learning fundamentalist...Microsoft stepping in is the symptom, not the disease...”

It is my belief that Mr. Bender left due to Microsoft's association with the charity and the possibilities or limitations that this association will cause. But is it possible to give away computers without the backing of a large organization? That is ultimately the question.


Up grade on Wi-Fi

There are four major concerns that face the designers of Wi-Fi networks: ensuring reliability by making certain that service is not disrupted by poor-quality radio transmissions; maintaining performance by avoiding slow link speeds and overlong delays; designing AP networks that can completely blanket the coverage area; and providing security against unfriendly wireless eavesdroppers or unauthorized users. Even when the technology is working properly, wireless access is not as swift as that provided by high-speed wired connections to the Internet, such as digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable modem links, for example. Radio signals cannot hope to match the transmission speeds that copper wires or fiber-optic cables make possible. Nor can Wi-Fi, or other wireless technologies that rely on radio, supply the same degree of security; the transmissions can be intercepted by nearby radio receivers.
"Pyramid Research, a communications industry research firm, predicts the global number of Wi-Fi users could top 271 million by 2008, with 177 million of them in the U.S. Today's Wi-Fi community already supports a vibrant international business in Wi-Fi equipment, estimated at about $3 billion annually"
"Wireless LANs are subject to problems because the technology relies on radio, which has drawbacks."


The Global Digital Divide

The Global Digital Divide is what separates countries like The United States from less economic countries. Since the birth of the internet, online communication has helped close the gap between people internationally to converse at real time. What once use to take months to reach a person can now be reached to them in seconds.

The digital revolution of the internet has opened doors between countries for many uses. For example, in medical field, doctors in one country can talk to doctors in another to get or give medical tips to one another. Also this opens the idea of having one doctor who cannot be present still give a walk through procedure for a medical examination.

Education was something that was revolutionized as well in other countries. According to the article, Poor nations on front line of computer wars, it discusses how countries like Brazil are being taught to information technology skills to more than 100,000 of their poorest citizens. As hard to believe there are countries that do not know anything about a computer or the internet. With these lesser countries being taught and having access to such resources, the world aims to follow the lines of Friedman's theory of a "flat" world.


Schools and The Digital Divide

Seema Mehta discovered that some schools are making it mandatory for every student to buy a laptop. Mehta discusses thhe Fullerton School District in Orange County. Their superintendent believes that this requirement benefits the students learning and gives them an edge and the tools they need to compete globally. However, some argue that,
"It is violating the states constitutional guarantee
to provide a free education and is creatind a two-
tiered learning environment."
I agree with this statement. One of the main reasons parents send their children to public schools is because it is free. Here they are not required to buy uniforms, textbooks, or pay a school tuition. By requiring all students to buy a laptop is creating a division between social classes. I think the superintendent had a good brainstorming thought, but did not map out all options to achieve the access to technology. Computers are great motivators. They engage students, make them computer literate, and enhance their writing skills. However, there are parents who can't keep their lights on, or keep food in their refridgerator and buying a laptop for their chld is not a priority. Moreover, it shouldn't have to be.


Should Cities Go Wireless?

Ken Belson, "What If they Built an Urban Wireless Network and Hardly Anyone Used It?" New York Times, June 26, 2006.

According to Ken Belson of the New York Times a company named "Q-Ware" has provided the citi of Taipai with wireless internet

"TAIPEI, Taiwan — Peter Shyu, an engineer, spends most of his day out of the office, and when he needs an Internet connection he often pops into one of the many coffee shops in this city that offer free wireless access.
He could use WiFly, the extensive wireless network commissioned by the city government that is the cornerstone of Taipei's ambitious plan to turn itself into an international technology hub. But that would cost him $12.50 a month.
"I'm here because it's free, and if it's free elsewhere, I'll go there too," said Mr. Shyu, hunched over his I.B.M. laptop in an outlet of the Doutor coffee chain. "It's very easy to find free wireless connections."
Despite WiFly's ubiquity — with 4,100 hot spot access points reaching 90 percent of the population — just 40,000 of Taipei's 2.6 million residents have agreed to pay for the service since January. Q-Ware, the local Internet provider that built and runs the network, once expected to have 250,000 subscribers by the end of the year, but it has lowered that target to 200,000.
That such a vast and reasonably priced wireless network has attracted so few users in an otherwise tech-hungry metropolis should give pause to civic leaders in Chicago, Philadelphia and dozens of other American cities that are building wireless networks of their own."

The article explains that the people of Taipai have not readily accepted this "reasonably priced network" and continues to state that many cities around the world are looking to add this service yet would like it to run for free! Many wireless network companies are not ready to make it free yet they are still working.

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