Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Golden Shield

China is becoming more and more technologically advanced by the minute but the government won't allow the people to see a lot of the information that is available. The Golden shield is an automatic digital system of public policing that will help prolong Communist rule by denying China's people the right to information.The internet police monitor the internet every click you take. It is actually really scary that the government is paying so close attention to the peoples recreational activities. Its really not a fair thing to do to surpress the people even more then they already are. The Golden Shield Project is the Communist Party's largest single investment in the ideological field in China. From the governments perspective, this will prevent any groups of people that want to rebel. the government will be able to infiltrate the group and make arrests without them proceding with anything but chatter. But it also shows that the government can find no better way to deal with netizens' discussion. Compared to other media in China, the internet is still the most free. It is powerful among young people no matter whether they are chatting online or playing games. It will be difficult for the government to control.
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Yes, the Golden Shield is a powerful system of censorship, but what is its future? Can it survive the flexiblity of the internet and the inventiveness of the dissidents? Can it survive without help from Western corporations?
The golden shield system is pretty powerful but that video you showed in class, there were people trying to get around it and will probably succeed. That just proves that it's not powerful enough, or these 'hackers' can really get things done. I suppose that china will keep their people in line and suppressed but while thats happening, they are missing out on other aspects of other countries. so in conclusion, they are not winning anything at all, they are just suppressing ideas and knowledge when it comes down to it.
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