Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"Readers act as online editors, thats News to me"

In the article that Randy Dotinga wrote called, "Write the news yourself!," in 2005, explains that some sites allow you to edit material but others like nwespapers are a little more anal. On the site wikipedia , you are allowed to edit the material but the editing happens anytime, is free! Newspapers have more guidelines and rules for editing their pages.
"It seems reasonable to focus on the Internet: 1 in 5 readers prefers newspaper websites to printed editions, states a new Nielsen/NetRatings survey..."Success hinges on whether newspapers can bring themselves to loosen up, he says. "Engaging the readers in a conversation is essential...It won't be long before a user scoops the newsroom," says Kevin Kaufman, Daily Camera new media editor. "That will be an interesting and terrific day."This business with the newspaper readers going online more to read is a bit crazy. There is a new world of things on the internet and this old timer of the actual newspaper is changing to the news-internet. Papers are also testing community news pages, where readers can post softball scores, photos of their pets, or actual news coverage. And maybe soon there wont be any news from an actual newsroom- it will be average people that post the news in their area whenever. not like the news on T.V is actual news anyway- usually there is someone who hurt her ankle in walmart so there is a dispute...is that really news? So in the near future, people will be editing these news sites and putting up blogs about recent activities, much more interesting then walmart.