Sunday, October 04, 2009
Youtube's Role in the U.S. Election
YouTube, a video sharing website, was given birth in Feb 2005 by three young men and now, YouTube has become one of the most fabulous tools of Internet culture. While Televised Presidency debate made John F. Kennedy into the White House, YouTube, video online made Barack Obama into the White House.
This statement in the article, “YouTube role grows as U.S. election nears” by Deborah Charles explains well how important social networks between the politician and voters are:
“Clearly the YouTube Phenomenon is the perfect opportunity to merge
new media and old media in a presidential debate,” he said, adding that
the unpredictable nature of the questions will make it harder for
candidates to prepare.”
Through this lecture, we can absorb how social networks in our society especially political attitude have been transformed into more democratic, speedy and efficient way.