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Thursday, October 01, 2009


First emailing President

Every since Pres.Obama started on the campaign trail. Media has been priority number one. I paid attention to the last election but this election had a bit of a twist. A new media twist. Media empires such as MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube. Based on Virginia Heffernan's article entitled "The YouTube Presidency," 2009, she crosses the subject of how the Obama administration stragized the campaign to use new media to reach target audiences.

" When the Barackobamadotcom account uploaded more than 1,800 videos to the site, Obama now maintains an entire staff devoted to new media."

Since Obama was elected, the White House new media operations team has supplied YouTube with Obama's "Your Weekly Address" videos, among other clips.

YouTube is not the only form of communications the new President is using. Several articles, and news headlines have commented on the President's usage of his Blackberry. The Blackberry is the most popular smart phone on the market. The President used the phone prior to election and still wishes to use it for privacy purposes now. To keep up with the times as well as bring the White House into the 21st century. Since George Washington, the White House has not been exposed to cellphones such as the Blackberry or private emails. This rule is implemented for security purposes but President Obama is trying to up security for these purposes.




YouTube is filled with Barack Obama ads, slogans and spoofs by average citizens of this country. I wouldn't take it as criticism but a medium for self expression by everyday people. Since the President is allowed to keep his Blackberry. I can give him the title of being the first emailing President.

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