Thursday, October 01, 2009
I-Pods becoming a "must have"

As technology advances new products are not only a want for adolescents but a “must have” Take the I-Pod and the I-Phone for example, as soon as the technology came out they flew off the shelves. If it wasn’t something you wanted before it came out it was something you definitely needed to keep up with the rest of the generation. Some schools have even made having an I-Pod a requirement. Teachers and school districts are using the I-Pod as a resource to give homework and have their students complete assignments.
Universities have taken the I-Pod technology to the next level by using them in their every day teaching. This technology is very popular with Foreign Language teachers and lessons. Think about it, you can listen to the word in the language your learning then in English and learn much faster. The technology has become so popular that "This fall Duke issued an I-Pod to each of its 1,650 incoming freshmen and has tried to incorporate the device into several courses, including music, language and engineering." Mark Glassman, "Maroon 5 Makes Room on the IPod for Schoolwork"
Through the advances of the digital world, new and improved ways of going about things such as teaching and learning are being created. Thanks to these advances, people are able to learn more in a shorter period of time or review what they have learned to understand things better.