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Thursday, October 01, 2009


Facebook Marches

It is amazing the things you can accomplish from a social network. I have found it useful to connect me with my friends in Jamaica and England, and feel like i am apart of their everyday life. People use Facebook in many different ways. We should all take inspiration from Oscar Morales, a young Colombian engineer, who used Facebook to organize a march to protest the FARC organization. This is an example of Facebook being used as a tool for digital democracy.

Morales gained supporters of his movement through Facebook; with many of his supporters coming from many locations over the world. The social network allowed Morales to multiply his voice by finding supporters that he would not have access to through the traditional means of media.

Taken from The New York Times an article titled "Facebook Brings Protest to Columbia" the author states

This is not the first time that a grassroots political movement has been
organized through Facebook. In October 2007, thousands of people took to the
streets around the world to condemn Myanmar's repression of pro-democracy
marches organized by the country's monks. The event came into being through
Facebook, after a student created a group to support the monks.

This method of protest organization is reaches a wider audience and is harder to control because the social networks are not controlled by the government.

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