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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Watching from Below

Basically sousveillance is people watching people. Before the advances in technology you could easily just avoid the news cameras, but now you have to watch out for everyone with a camera/video phone. It is very worrying that you can be on the Internet or on the news, because of someone with a camera phone catching you at the wrong time. Sousveillance has its advantages of spreading news at times when it should be suppressed; like the case of Rodney king. A disadvantage of this advancement is there is no control if someone was to capture you and broadcast it without your permission.

Everyone can be a reporter so some women have used the technology to protect themselves from street harassers, by posting pictures and videos of predators in a blog. In the article "Watch out- Reporters are Everywhere" by Kim Tae-gyu she discusses a case where a man was arrested because of the use sousveillance, she states;
"This case demonstrates the possibility that citizen journalism will not be
limited to writing and pictures. Now everybody armed with a camcorder phone is a
potential TV reporter and Ahn showcased it against a newspaper reporter"

With the technology to capture and broadcast your recordings it is worrying because you never know who is watching you.

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