Thursday, October 15, 2009
Expansion of Spy Satalites

Spy Satellites have always played a role in the Americans government's mission to protect its people from domestic and foreign treats. While they do provide a sense of security people have questioned to extent to which the government plans to use these satellites.
Robert Block's article talks about the government making head way in securing satellites for use in homeland security and law enforcement,
"According to officials, one of the department's first objectives will be to use the network to enhance border security, determine how best to secure critical infrastructure and help emergency responders after natural disasters. Sometime next year, officials will examine how the satellites can aid federal and local law-enforcement agencies, covering both criminal and civil law. The department is still working on determining how it will engage law enforcement officials and what kind of support it will give them.
The government is open to this because of the legislative laws that limit wire tapping. The satellites are also capable of tracking weapons such as biological war heads. Having access to this satellites on a domestic level would help law enforcement agencies, for example tracking an escaped convict.
I feel these satellites will help the American government on a domestic and foreign scale but its potential to become a tool of oppression exists and this will mean it will continued to be feared by some people.