Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Your Identity is not safe on the internet!

In this article Senator Ted Stevens a Republican from Alaska and the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, instructed his staff to steal his identity. The task was simple and easy for the staff. They had managed to get personal information from the senator such as his daughters rental property and how much its worth, and also information dealing with his son that is a student in California. Further into this article they mention how students from the university of Johns Hopkins test out and purposely steal identities all from all over.
This was an operation organized to be the "The Johns Hopkins project".
"The Johns Hopkins project was conceived by Aviel D. Rubin, a professor of computer science and the technical director of the Information Security Institute at the university. He has used his graduate courses before to expose weaknesses in electronic voting technology and other aspects of a society that is increasingly dependent on - and at the mercy of - digital technology. "My expectations were that they would be able to find a lot of information, and in fact they did," he said."
This was such an advance project that students were finding things that lead to deception and corruptions in the internet world. A student found out that voting has been falsely made up. In the Article it said "If some citizen is concerned about dead people remaining registered to vote, he can simply obtain the database of deaths and the voter registration database and cross-correlate," said 21-year-old Joshua Mason, whose group discovered 1,500 dead people listed as active registered voters. Fifty of those dead people somehow voted in the last election".
I believe we must place better rules and regulations on using the internet, and protecting identity on the internet.