Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wiki-pedia-free information

Wiki-pedia is the successor of the interpedia, an online encyclopedia. This article goes on to explain how wiki has revolutionized the digital use of encyclopedias through use of the Internet.
One of the greatest aspects of wiki is that it is free. This shames your more traditional set of encyclopedias that you'd have to purchase, as well as store. Another unique aspect of wiki is the power as an individual to edit or source different pages.
Since Wiki is the worlds largest encyclopedia, it often has credibility issues due to its democratic user friendly service. Since anyone can access and change info, wiki is constantly monitored so they can stay consistently on point.
In the article "The Book Stops Here" by Daniel H. Pink, the dynamics of Wiki-Pedia are explained.
The site is maintained and updated by enthusiasts like wiki editor Derek Ramsy. Ramsy has made some 40,000 additions and revisions. Many new users become editors through the option of altering an inadequate page.
Ramsey has written a java program called rambot that automatically updates wiki articles. The combination of Ramsey and his program have made over 100,000 edits.
Wiki offers 500,000 articles in English. Competing sources like Britannica, which holds 80,000 articles, and Encarta which holds 4,500 are dwarfed in size.