Monday, October 19, 2009
Wikipedia media!

Wikipedia is one of the most resourceful piece of research engine used on the world wide web today. If you wonder where to look up items or any specific bio on somebody, the most popular website to go to is of course Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a large encyclopedia that is design for anyone to add info or edit info. This gives Wikipedia an up to date process on the world today. Wikipedia is designed for the public for fast access.
Also Wikipedia has a close association with the Google corporation. Google makes some of their videos. These videos are usually posted up on Youtube. Also Wikipedia can be looked at in many languages. About over a dozen languages.
I would also like to talk about Jimmy Wales; the Co-Founder and promoter of Wikipedia and how he plans for the Future Brand Building with Consumer Generated Media. Basically he plans for future brand advertising on the internet rather than magazines or news articles. Here's a video on his intentions on the Wikipedia media.