Thursday, October 15, 2009
Digital Revoltuion Threatens Industries

Through the advances in technology sources such as news papers and television etc, are no longer being utilized as a way to stay updated with the day to day events. The digital revolution has provided people with the opportunity to use the world wide web as a way to keep individuals informed about the world around them with information that’s updated minute by minute instead of daily. As a result publishers and studios need to come up with alternative ways to inform the world while keeping their focus on watching television or purchasing new papers.
In the article "How Old Media Can Survive in a New World," its seen how analysis are brainstorming different ways to use the digital revolution while also keeping with the “traditional newspaper and television industries”.
As a result, network profits have increased while also keeping these "traditional industries" alive through the creation of more personalized newspapers/television shows, which are geared towards the readers/watchers.
“Bernard Gershon, senior vice president and general manager of ABC News' Digital Media Group -- who spearheaded ABC News Now -- says offering 24-hour news online is only the beginning. ABC News Now has begun delivering content for Sony Corp.'s PlayStation portable device and other mobile gadgets by partnering with companies like Idetic Inc., Berkeley, Calif., which delivers video content to cellphone and handheld-gadget users. Subscribers can select and download news clips edited for quick viewing, or stream ABC News Now in real time. "Now we're going to create it for any screen you're looking at the content on," Mr. Gershon says.”