Thursday, September 03, 2009
The Development of The Internet .. Then and Now
The internet over the last 10 years has gotten so advanced. In the early 1960's there was a necessity for networking. Many peple started to slowly develop things for them to be as they are today. A gentleman by the name of Bob Metcalfe had invented the ethernet and a man by the name of Douglas Engelbart invented the mouse.
"Soon the were many different computer networks all over the world, but they could not communicate with one another because they used different protocols, or standards for transmitting data."
There was this need now to be able to connect all of these computers to the same network. All over the world scientists were trying to figure out how to create new routers that worked on a larger scale. The pressure from the Cold War really brought on this need to advance technology and fast.
"Then in 1974, Vint Cerf (known to some as the "father of the Internet"), along with Bob Kahn, wrote a new protocol, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol, that would become the accepted standard. The implementation of TCP allowed the various networks to connect into a true "internet"."
After this, the World Wide Web came into existence. So many people all over the world were working on ways to make this all work. I feel like many people in the United States know of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, but lack the information on what inspired them to create what they did. From decade decade computers were being developed more and more. It was only a matter of time before the Internet connected the world.