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Tuesday, September 19, 2006


The Lonely Girl Hoax

In the past week we all learned the lonely girl videos posted on YouTube over the past couple of months were all fictional. These videos were put together by filmmakers, script writers and most importantly an ACTRESS. The “lonelygirl” that all YouTube viewers let into their homes and their hearts was not real at all. Everyone seems to be so angry over finding out this whole operation was a hoax. YouTube, a site for regular people to share their videos with others, some do it to showcase skills, others just to share events of their everyday life. There are no rules that state videos had to be non-fictional nor were there rules stating filmmakers were not allowed to showcase their talent. For a story like this to make headlines in the news is sad. I’m sure there are more important things going on in the world. Everyone needs to get over it!!

This is the second post with the same conclusion. I agree it is sad that there is so much attention paid to this story. But then that is what makes this significant: We have a new form of celebrity here. In this case: pseudo-celebrity. People are looking for "reality." And now "real" people are being mass produced for the purposes of publicity and profit.
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