Tuesday, September 19, 2006
just when i thought i found miss right...

one thing i've come to figure out is that blogging is like a person if you will... people come to this person to vent out ... or to just talk a little about whatever... just conversate... but like people, if you decieve them... they will find out... and it will backfire in your face... the story of lonelygirl15 is one for the books...lol... here you have this girl who clearly poses as this semi-tech kind of girl on the web and she has thousands of people tuned in all the time... you have to keep in mind that to some blogging is some what serious... and i think its F'd up that all these people were fooled... actors, producers, and even scriptwriters were involved... just when you think that people couldnt go any lower... it baffles me when i try to think of why they would even do this... who knows??? but one thing is for sure... her 15 minutes of fame is definitely over!!!