Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The era of digital shopping

E-Commerce giants such as ebay and Amazon which allow customers to purchase items online has revolutionized the way we shop today. The hassle of physically buying an item can now be avoided and be replaced with the click of a mouse.
Shopping online opens a whole new wave of possibilities for both the customers and the companies selling their various products. As a consumer, it provides convenient shopping from the comfort of your home, it provides a more diverse range of products that may not be found in the "brick and mortar" stores. Digital shopping has given companies a vast amount of feedback from its customers. Shopping Websites have started to favor customer reviews over that of professional critics. Revolution in data tracking software have now enabled companies to create shopping profiles of its customers based on past sales or the most searched item in its virtual store.
The other side of digital shopping is that is very subject to fraud such as identity theft, a vastly growing crime. Hackers are also to break into digital shopping sites and steal credit card numbers. Another fear of digital shopping is that the user has no way of detecting malicious sites that may steal valuable information from your computer such as card numbers or install tracking softwares.