Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Cyber Terrorist Attacks
Hoopes, N. (2005, August 16). New focus on cyber-terrorism. Retrieved December 5, 2008, from CS Monitor.
Hoopes discusses the easy access that terrorist have to commit a cyber attack on our country. He states that some people downplay the importance of cyber-security but on the contrary it is the new kind of attack that we have to be aware and prepared for. If cyber terrorist were able to break into our electronic control systems, they could cause massive damage and could kill workers and everyone in the surrounding area, therefore companies need to come up with secure systems that ensure our safety.

"Federal officials are focused on the threat of a dual attack, says Mr. Powner of the GAO. There is a lot of concern in government about what the FBI calls a swarming terrorist attack. You have a physical attack and a simultaneous cyber-attack on critical infrastructure - that really hurts your ability to respond."
The simple fact that there is a possibility of another way that terrorist can attack our country we need to be prepared. It is not fair for people to brush it off and disregard the possibility. As Powner said if terrorist were to attack us physically and through cyber attacks it would be extremely hard for us to regain power because our whole infrastructure would be destroyed and in chaos. It is good that power companies have begun to protect themselves but they still need more work in filling all loopholes that terrorist might be able to find.