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Monday, December 08, 2008


Cyber Terrorism

Denning, Dorothy. E. (2000, May 23). CYBERTERRORISM . Retrieved December 6, 2008, from Georgetown University.

In this article Denning discusses cyber terrorism in general and that it is not just cyber terrorist attack from other countries but also within our own country. She states cyber terrorism is an attack that causes fear or harm to another party through computers, networks, or other forms of digital instruments. She talks about how on-line stalking, death threats and hate messages are abundant within our country.

"The Florida teen who threatened violence at Columbine High School in an electronic chat room is but one example. These crimes are serious and must be addressed."

We are terrorist toward each other. With the threat of other countries trying to destroy our infrastructure and government we should not to be terrorizing each other. The quotes is right. We need to address these cyber terrorist crimes in a more serious tone because these people are abusing technology. They are soiling it and ruining its purpose, which is to positively connect the world and to allow us to be all equal.

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