Wednesday, December 03, 2008

In an attempt to gain more recruits the US army is creating an island in secoond life. The army is using social networking to appeal to younger second life users curious about the armed forces. according to Gen. William S. Wallace there will be two islands created by the army in second life,
"One of them, will serve as a "welcome center" with an information kiosk and the means to contact a recruiter, the other will offer, says Wallace, "virtual experiences like jumping out of airplanes, and rappelling off of towers and using a weapon, to see if we can get some kind of recruiting benefit out of this social networking."
The army says that there are roughly about 4 million young people using second life, and by creating islands they can try to tap into that young and get them into the army. As well as recruiting the army will give points to those who participate in the activities these points can be used to buy your avatar a tee shirt and other items.
"One of them, will serve as a "welcome center" with an information kiosk and the means to contact a recruiter, the other will offer, says Wallace, "virtual experiences like jumping out of airplanes, and rappelling off of towers and using a weapon, to see if we can get some kind of recruiting benefit out of this social networking."
The army says that there are roughly about 4 million young people using second life, and by creating islands they can try to tap into that young and get them into the army. As well as recruiting the army will give points to those who participate in the activities these points can be used to buy your avatar a tee shirt and other items.
Now that the army is recruiting using social networking sites like second life, there is no hiding from annoying recruiters, there is no clear difference between recruiting in real life, than in second life.