Wednesday, December 03, 2008
E-Books Have a future in iTunes

With the advancement of hands free / wireless technology you can now read an "E-book" right in the palm of your hand. There has been a lot of hype surrounding the new Kindle, a product by Amazon which puts the top publisher's books right in the palm of your hand. This amazing new product might change the way we read books. This is a great concept however the jury is still out as to will this new product survive. However there is speculation that the iphone will help carry the sales due to its application features and through iTunes that allows E books to be read. Will we see this new kindle take the reading world by storm and revolutionize the printing and wasting of paper? This is a question only the future can answer. Below are some comments regarding the Kindle and the business model behind E-books.
"The publisher recently partnered with a design and development company called ScrollMotion to launch a series of bestselling in-copyright e-books for the iPhone where each title is its own app and a reader is bundled with each download. Thus the iPhone itself, despite the small screen and lack of E-Ink technology, becomes the reader."
--With regards to the iTunes store--
"Houghton Mifflin already has about 11 reference books available through the app store, including its “100 Words” series and several dictionaries. And the publisher only has about 200 digital books in its entire library but plans on digitizing 1,000 over the next 9 months."
"Random House announced Monday that they will be doubling the number of digital books offered to about 15,000 citing triple digit increases in sales this year."
"While theirs is one of the bigger investments in e-books, other top publishers are looking to follow suit, slowly but surely."