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Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Educators using blogging in the classroom


Lorrie Jackson from the education world reports that blogging can be an effective way to engage students in the learning process. According to Jackson,

"Students who lack the reading and writing skills they need to succeed also may lack the motivation to practice those skills. Many are motivated, however, to chat virtually with their friends. Blogs offer an innovative way for students to engage in reflective writing on classroom topics in a familiar medium."

Another paragraph of analysis or discussion. Blogging serves as an innovative way to communicate with people all over the world. Students can talk to other students in another city, state or even country about a particular topic that is being discussed in class. This adds diversity to classroom discussion. The students questions, opinions, and thoughts are all unique and they are motivated to learn and discuss new ideas. Todays student's are in a technology driven society and the classroom should reflect this.

A good post. Remember to proof-read: "Another paragraph of analysis or discussion." should be deleted.

Clearly, I agree with Ms. Jackson. Blogging is a great tool for educators. The short form of blogging is an easy way to get students writing. It also increases interaction between students and between students and the instructor as well. Blogging is also a skill that may be useful for future employment as well.
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