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Tuesday, September 02, 2008


MLB Blogging

Tim Arango, "Major League Baseball is Blogging Its Way Through the Playoffs", New York Times, 08/27/08

Tim Arango of the New York Times reports the M.L.B. will be using blogs to advertise the Playoffs and World series.

"This year M.L.B. and its playoff and World Series broadcast partners, Fox and TBS, decided to showcase a different aspect of life on the Internet: blogging, which will be a common thread in the 20 or so advertisements. "

Arango reports that they advertisements will include people blogging about memorable moments in Playoff history. The goal of these advertisements are to keep people interested in the Playoffs because they may witness a historic moment and blog about it.
This is definitely beneficial to baseball because blogging has emerged as the new way to keep up with the news. Many bloggers wont want to fall behind others so they will watch the playoffs to be in sync with everyone else.

So what's in it for MLB? How to do they hope to use blogging to change their relationship to the fans? Is this a marketing strategy? How does it work?
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