Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Is Blogging Good or Bad?
"Pros and Cons of Blogging," Last Blogger, 11/14/2006
An unknown author from Lastblogger.com tackled the pros and cons of blogging on the internet. I found an interesting point in the article. One of the pros of blogging is also a con. The author stated that,
An unknown author from Lastblogger.com tackled the pros and cons of blogging on the internet. I found an interesting point in the article. One of the pros of blogging is also a con. The author stated that,
"You get your very own soap-box - Yes, this is as much a disadvantage as it is an advantage. The ability to bring awareness to important issues can quickly be diluted by a flurry of rants and raves against anything that happens to be bothering you that day."
I believe this statment is not totally true becuase no one can define blogging and what exact contents should be in someone's blog. People may want to hear about someones terrible day so they can relate to them. At the same time that blog reader may want awareness about important issues. It is good to bring a mixture of ideas when blogging because there are different types of people reading blogs everyday.