Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Merrill Lynch's Chief Technology Architect on Cloud Computing
ZDNet's Larry Dignan has posted a short video of Merrill Lynch's chief technology architect Jeffrey Birnbaum speaking at the LinuxWorld conference in California: LinuxWorld video: Merrill Lynch moves to stateless computing.
Birnbaum describes how the financial services firm is moving away from using dedicated servers and desktops loaded with software towards what he calls "stateless" or cloud computing. This "shared utility computing" model makes use of high bandwidth connections and massive server farms to provide on-demand services for corporate computing. A key point is his discussion of "virtualization" in the world of "distributed computing."
For more discussion of cloud computing:
Bridget Botelho's "Google et al. pitch cloud computing to wary IT pros," on SearchDataCenter.com
Labels: cloud computing, utility computing, virtualization