Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Youth Blogging and How it Effects Their Parents

Yuki Noguchi writes in her article about the rants of youth today, and how this can play negatively on their parents. Outlets such as Myspace and Facebook are allowing the youth of political and other high name figures to post pictures of themselves that may be "kids being kids", but also put their political parents at risk as great as losing their jobs, or as menial as a lower approval rating. One such recent example:
"Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call discovered Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's son, Jonathan, declaring membership in the "Jonathan Frist appreciation for 'Waking up White People' Group" on his Facebook page. The Vanderbilt University student also claimed membership in a group where there were "No Jews Allowed. Just Kidding. No seriously.""The question that comes into play is, are their blogging teens hurting high powered figured, or are they just showing how human each and everyone one of us really are? Kids will be kids, but should kids of politicians be held in a different light?
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If you are going to use that image, please do not link to my server. You are eating my bandwith. Download it and upload it to blogger. That is also against the attribution regulations for the image.
The anonymous commenter has a point and you should comply.
An interesting post, but it is not on the topic. Your post was supposed to be about blogging, not Myspace and Facebook.
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An interesting post, but it is not on the topic. Your post was supposed to be about blogging, not Myspace and Facebook.
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