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Thursday, October 12, 2006


The Power House

"The assumption that because America’s economy has dominated the world for more than a century, it will and must always be that way is as dangerous as an
illusion today as the illusion that America would always dominate in science and
technology was back in 1950 ?"

America the Powerhouse nation, a nation that will live up to it’s expectations and always be a dominant if not thee dominant force in the world. We have the resource, the money, but have we lost the will, the hunger to excel and adapt to the new world that seems to be flying at us one minute at a time…? This is not a Test… Chapter nine the author states that we as Americans have all the tool we need to excel and strive to advance it this technological world but we haven’t been tending to these tools as we should.

The idea that more Americans are relatively looking into professions that wouldn’t advance the world is absurd to me. Maybe there are a bit too many politicians sure, but in order to run a country with so much power, these politicians must exist. Does it matter that China may have more engineers and scientist, maybe; they have brought the N.B.A (National Basketball Association) superstars that the U.S markets and collects through Jersey sales, T.V ratings and even everyday products. Enough joking though, the U.S will remain a thee dominant nation, as this Flattening World continues to grow and advance so will the people of this country. I have no doubt in my mind that the U.S and its representatives in this technological race will be side to side with its competition; that my friend is the power of the dollar. We as a country need to be more worried about global warming than anything else.

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