Wednesday, October 11, 2006
M.B.A. Students Bypassing Wall Street for a Summer in India
"The two men said they came prepared to find inadequate infrastructure, but
were not prepared for the daily frustrations of Gurgaon. There is no mass
transportation system, and shopping, even for something as basic as an umbrella,
can take hours. They rumble to work in an auto rickshaw - a motorized
three-wheeler that seats two and is a ubiquitous form of transport in Indian
cities."Though inconvient the oppertunites and experience were great.
"But the sophistication of the work being done in Copal's Gurgaon office contrasts with the chaotic city outside. Mr. Simonsen said he was amazed. "I came expecting to see number-crunching and spreadsheet type of work; I didn't expect American banks to farm out intricate analytics," he said. The two students are working on a project that analyzes investment opportunities for clients across 23 countries."
A program as this is not easy to come by, according to the article only
students with a 3.6 or better were chossen, from the top business schools, and from then on they may have to go on to two rounds of
interview. Though it may look good on the resume students say it
is the experience that catches their eye to such an oppertunity.