Thursday, September 21, 2006 more like

"Like MTV, it is starting to create stars that glow brightly within its own universe"...
this was a statement made about myspace... this website has created a world within a world... its like people become a whole other person via myspace... why? ... is it because there lives are boring and they want some fun... or is it because there were known as "nobodys" there whole lives and now they be a "somebody"? ... who knows but the fact of the matter is that this website is not even worth half a billion dollars ... its priceless... its a place of escape ... of fantasy if you will... i was taught that race, color, class, etc. doesnt matter when your on any form of blogging... i for one am not on myspace but i am on facebook... and the hype is true... i dont try to be someone im not ... but its good for chatting... and letting stuff off your chest... it feels good when someone responds to what your saying... when someone can relate to how you feel... nonetheless, these blogging sites whether its myspace or facebook or etc... are bringing everyone together... the question is??? ... is it happening too fast ... can i have a little space to call my own... or is all just gonna be one big space... think about it...
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A thoughtful post.
Is this about making connections, friends, community or is it about visiblity and celebrity?
Is this the birth of a new form of celebrity? Brief, superficial bursts of fame? Or at least the promise of fame?
What's with all the . . . . dots?
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Is this about making connections, friends, community or is it about visiblity and celebrity?
Is this the birth of a new form of celebrity? Brief, superficial bursts of fame? Or at least the promise of fame?
What's with all the . . . . dots?
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