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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Did You Know: Your Being Watched

"Watch Out-TV Reporters Are Everywhere" By Kim Tae-gyu

This is an article about a taxi driver who was molested by a woman passenger. Because he had a camera phone, he was able to video tape the entire incident and post the tape on the internet. The video tape had received much excitement in Seoul. Most people who witness a crime or incident would call news stations and explain the situation, now majority of people carry a camera phone around with them and can now tape the entire scene. It is expected that by the end of 2007, almost 100% of people who carry cell phones will have a camera attached. Is this a good thing? Most people today have this feature and don't use it. I can understand for security reasons to have this feature but seriously, when your getting attacked or witness an incident what's going to happen, "excuse me can you hold on one second so I can video tape this" I think everyone is taking things too seriously now and its all because of MONEY and Law Suits. When a violent crime happens news reporters are everywhere, and now they are going to be LITERALLY everywhere. For these instances, cell phone makers are trying to make cell phones available to everyone and enough memory to send and receive STRAIGHT TO news reporters. Be careful when your out of your house that you don't pick your nose, it might be on the next news at 5.

A good post and an interesting link. This post would work better for our discussion of surveillance/sousveillance and privacy in an age where everyone is carrying a digital phone. Anyone can take pictures and post them online, even without the cooperation of the traditional media.
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