Monday, October 26, 2009
Wikipedia, a Free Encyclopedia

As an online encyclopedia, the birth of Wikipedia was welcomed by new members of the Internet society. Robert McHenry spoke very highly of Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia in his article, “ The Faith-Based Encyclopedia”;
the Digital Age”; “brilliant”; an “incredible example of open-
source intellectual collaboration”; and so forth.”
Through the lecture, we learned a lot about the world of Wikipedia. It is in my interest that the word “Wiki” came from Hawaiian “Quick”. To become a reliable resource Wikipedia has five major goals; free, largest (breadth), largest (depth), “and also”, reliable. These goals absolutely contributed the new Internet society; anyone can be editors and users. Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia has some opposite opinion because its lack of accuracy, and non-professional editor contributed the site. However, many people participate in the new, free encyclopedia by editors and users in the Wikipedia website.