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Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Virtuality and Its Discontents

Why Must Virtuality And Real Life Compete—Why Can’t We Have Both?

 After the Renaissance, world totally changed by the technological revolution.  Now we live in an advanced world rather than any old period that was ruled by feudalism or imperialism etc.  Especially, it is true that the advents of computer made our lives additionally comfortable and widened our view of the world. To live well in this modern world, it is essential that we learn how to utilize and apply the Internet world, cyberspace.

 If you want to design your own world, you should surf Internet, cyberspace.  It is an amazing world; you are allowed to build a new identity and life. This article “Virtuality and Its Discontents, Searching for Community in Cyberspace” by Sherry Turkle suggest us to join the new world, cyberspace directly.

This statement in the article is very persuasive to people who are interested in becoming a member of the cyberspace.


            “Some people are trying to fill the gap with neighborhoods in cyberspace.

            Take Dred’s Bar, for example, a watering hole on the MUD LambdaMOO. 

            Mud’s, which originally stood for “multi-user dungeons,” are destinations on

            The Internet where players who have logged in from computers around the

            world join an online virtual community.  Through typed commands, they can

            converse privately or in large groups, creating and playing characters and even

            earning and spending imaginary funds in the MUD’s virtual economy.”

The author, Sherry Turkle, mentioned that the cyberspace also has some discontents such as, the loss of the reality, virtual sex and rape etc. However, we are just trying not to be lonely and have fun in the isolated world and our reality.

A good post.

Yes, virtual worlds have dangers as well as pleasures and community. Beyond the discontents and dangers, how will all of this time spend in virtual reality transform our everyday lives?
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