Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Computer History Resources
Jacquard's Loom, 1801.
Web Resources on the History of Computing:
An Illustrated History of Computers [John Kopplin, Kent State University]
Computer History Timeline ["Triumph of the Nerds," PBS.]
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine (1821-1832), Analytical Engine (1856).
Charles Babbage [Computer History Museum]
Ada Augusta Byron (1815-1852) First Programmer.
Herman Hollerith' "Apparatus for Calculating Statistics, 1889." [Mark Russo, University of Rochester.]
Computer History Timeline 1939-1994 [Computer History Museum]
ENIAC, 1946 [ENIAC Museum.]
Transitors [Computer History Museum on Semiconductors ]
Transitorized! [Ira Flatow, PBS Website.]
"After the Transistor, a Leap Into the Microcosm," [John Markoff, New York Times.]
The Turing Archive for the History of Computing
A Brief History of Computing [Jack Copeland, Alanturing.net]
Doug Engelbart "The Demo," 1968
Making the Macintosh [Stanford University]
Labels: Computing