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Thursday, August 27, 2009


Parenting On The Web

Now that younger and younger people are blogging, this has made it easier for parents to learn about their child's life. There are some people who feel that it is easier for them to post that they are having issues on a blog for everyone to read, then to have to tell their parents and suffer embarrassment. This would also give parents and incite to the everyday problems that their child might be going through. This way, parents can head off drug problems, drinking, bulling, and other problems that young people face.
Many of my friends' parents have face book and myspace accounts, as well as read blogs. This has made it awkward for my friends at times when they are caught doing something they know their parents would disapprove of. Schools and businesses are also looking a applicants' profiles and blogs. This has made it that no thought or action is private online.

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