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Thursday, August 27, 2009


Blogging In the Second Grade

Recently, I've been introduced to blogging. It has definitely been a great tool for voicing your feelings, opinions and even life experiences. However I was unaware that blogging has had such major effect on everyone. After reading an article on NY Times.com, "In the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards" by JEFFREY SELINGO. I was amazed to see that blogging is now a part of the classroom, of second graders! At first this was strange to read however, this is the era we live in today and everything is based on your knowledge of computers.

"In the blogs, students write about how they attacked a tough math problem, post observations about their science experiments or display their latest art projects". Jeffery Selingo NY Times.

It is very fortunate that these second graders have the chance to learn about blogging in which, it allows them to have a voice in thinking creatively. As well, it also prepares them for what's to come in the real world of technology.

"It allowed them to interact with their peers more quickly than a journal, and it evened the playing field".
says Marisa L. Dudiak second grade teacher in Frederick County, Md.

These students are well advanced and It makes me wonder if they are well on their way to an Ivy League.

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