Thursday, September 28, 2006
make a decision... grab a controller... or grab a bible

i dont get what it is with the media and the way they bad mouth today's video games. video games were made to escape reality so to speak. when people sit down and turn there system on... they want to do things that they cant do in real life. like kill monsters or throw 70 yard touchdown passes. they dont want to be reminded of everyday things like church or the word of god. no offense, i myself am a christian but even i like to sit down and play some grand theft auto once in a while. the game features a character who does hits for mob bosses. during the process of the game, your asked to perform various crimes such as steal cars, shoot people, and blow things up. needless to say, depite the many felonys one can commit in the game it's a toy just like a Barbie doll or a G.I. Joe. “We found there is a need for an alternative, for families to be able to find fun and entertaining games that reinforce positive images.” there was an article in an issue of game informer magazine that spoke about the death of "nintendo-like" games so to speak. you see, there was a time when the whole family could sit down and watch little billy play Super Mario Bros. but the fact of the matter is that, game makers are more focused on making cinematic games. in other words, games that are made to look like a movie while your playing. theres nothing wrong with making a game about jesus... but the problem is that it wont sell. if you want the word of god... why go out and pay 50 bucks for bible trivia, when you can go to church for free. if your going to pay 50 bucks for a game... shouldn't be as exciting? with todays HDTV's and surround, people are trying to get there money's worth. why dont they just build a website were people can access these games online? one just feels that there is a fine line between the virtual and the religous world. but hey... if they can successfully combine it... then maybe were seeing the beginning of a new genre of video games ...
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This is a good post because you are expressing you opinion, but you need to break it up into shorter paragraphs. You are covering a lot of ground here in a sort of stream of consciousness style. It is interesting but break it up into clear paragraphs of a few sentences.
This is an important topic. There is a whole world of christian media that is trying to use the power of the digital revolution to evangelize. Gaming attracts the attention of youth. Religious groups want the attention of youth. Many Christian games will be produced. The question is whether gaming can be adapted to the values of the church without losing the excitement of secular gaming. Or will gaming transform relgion in ways that we don't yet understand?
The invention of printing changed religion forever. Broadcasting also transformed religion? How will interactive media transform our relation to god and religion?
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This is an important topic. There is a whole world of christian media that is trying to use the power of the digital revolution to evangelize. Gaming attracts the attention of youth. Religious groups want the attention of youth. Many Christian games will be produced. The question is whether gaming can be adapted to the values of the church without losing the excitement of secular gaming. Or will gaming transform relgion in ways that we don't yet understand?
The invention of printing changed religion forever. Broadcasting also transformed religion? How will interactive media transform our relation to god and religion?
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