Saturday, November 14, 2009
Amazon's New Strategy of Payment Service

I still like to go offline bookstore near my house because of the smell of coffee, music and the people gathered around. I like that atmosphere. However today I bought some CDs for Christmas presents at the This is my first purchase through online. I still got afraid of my privacy but… To participate in the digital world, I attempted online purchase to save time and energy; it is so simple and very comfortable.
Since 1994, the company grew one of the most popular online vendors in the world with their consistent study of technology and business strategy. Brad Stone provided their new strategy of payment service in his article, “Amazon Offers Other Sites Use of Its Payment Service”;
“It will offer other online retailers to use on their Web sites.
That means the 81 million customers who have already given their payment details, like credit card number
And shipping addresses, will be able to that information,
Without re-entering it, to buy products on any site that uses
The new service.”
I believe that the will prosper and become broader in its business to grab both online and offline market with their consistent technological studies.