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Thursday, November 13, 2008



Today you can everything and anything. You could even create your own site. Ning is a company that "creates a platform for creating your own social network on any subject that you love." Ning is a network creator that allows people to create their own site about anything and everything. Even celebrities use it and once they use it attracts many more people adding more and enlarging the networks number. Gina Bianchini CEO of NING mentiones in Susan Bratton's interview that she "thinks that one of the things that you see when a MySpace or a FaceBook get to two to three percent of the total internet traffic is that they start to sort of flatten out. In part because at a certain point in time you are not a member of an exclusive club it is sort of a general one size fits all experience." There whole concept is to make a social network where people can allow themselves to make there own concept and expression and invite friends to join THEIR network. It's the new thing even here on campus our dorms have a site that TUBMAN and MARSHALL staff created. Check it out its www.tubmanmarshall.ning.com! Take a look and maybe you can join someones social network. FOR MORE INFO AND TO BECOME A PART OF THE NING NETWORK VISIT http://www.ning.com/

Thanks for noting my DishyMix interview with Gina Bianchini. Here is a link to stream or download the interview.
Here is a link to listen in iTunes.
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