Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Anything is possible in your Second life.

Second life is a place where you can create anything do almost anything. If it has always been your goal to be a vampire or lose 10 lbs it can be so in second life. You can do everything in second life that you do in your real life. Go to clubs be invited to parties by email. For example here is an email I received:
"Second Life - Group notice: KEVIN M THOMAS at THE SHELTER at 6PM"
You can even go virtual shopping and buy virtual clothing, virtual hair that floats as you move, virtual Barbie doll faces, just use your lindens or metacard to pay for anything to your heart or mind wishes it is so in second life content. Lindens are second life money which is in real life the equivalent of roughly 31 cents per linden dollar. A Meta card is similar to any real life credit card. Many people in the real world are making real money by creating items for purchase in the virtual world. Jennifer Grinnell once a furniture delivery dispatcher now creates virtual clothing. In second life you can spend and make money similar to the real world. If you’re interesting in real estate why not create and sell land. Anything is possible in second life is you have the money in real life.