Monday, November 12, 2007
CNN Enters Second Life

When Second Life residents observe an in-world event they deem newsworthy,
they can take snapshots, shoot video, or write a report about the event and
submit to CNN
The reports will be sent to real time CNN I-Producers and then they will select the ones they feel newsworthy and send them back to second life to be viewed by its residents. CNN hopes to really find out what second life is like and what its residents think of it. CNN's journey into second lift will also include a news desk and report hub as well.
At the I-Report hub, residents can also meet other resident reporters, as
well as access I-Report kiosks, free-standing terminals where residents can pick
up free gear and tools for gathering and viewing in-world user-generated
Second life boasts millions of users, but only has about 40,000 lodged on at any one time, so i wonder what CNN sees in second life. I understand its a low risk situation in second life because it costs little to nothing but i don't know what news could happened in second life and be really newsworthy.
Labels: CNN, Second life
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