Tuesday, November 21, 2006
www III
"A group of Chinese hackers has launched organized cyber-attacks on dozens of official Web sites in Japan and Taiwan in response to a Japanese attack on a Chinese site last month"
*ZOOM!* *BANG BANG BANG!* *WOOSH!*. so here i am on the scene. i'm deep inside a reinforced bunker. i have to prepare myself because World War III has just begun. I grab my water, some supplies, my book of ammo and my bag. i rush onto the field amongst all the chaos. the enemy is waiting for us to retaliate. i take a deep breath and pull out my trusty... computer? *BOOM!* *WOOSH* *HARDRIVE SPINS* *56k MODEM SOUNDS!*
the keys of a keyboard are clacking like amunition. it seems that the next war that is waiting to begin is the cyber war. sure "cyber war" is quite clique but it seems that it may be coming true. the peopel are not looking for the strongest, broadest, and best fit people that the country can offer. it seems the roles have changed. maybe the most useful fighter is now the nerdy IT guy telling you coordinates behind the computer.
i think it's interesting that people from one country are "retaliating" against those of another through the computer. the chinese decided to take out japanese "bases" of communication as their strategy. troops of chinese and japanese cyber-warriors have begun to form amist this devious act of trafficing. more and more, these cyber battles have been being fought all around the net. of course in this case it's really just flooding a site with traffic as their means of victory, but for those on the inside, it's just another battle won for their pride and their computer.
sounds epic doesn't it.
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