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Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Will we fight... or walk the plank?

Pirates SHARE warez to learn, trade information, and have fun! But, being a pirate is more than swapping warez. It's a life style and a passion. The office worker or class mate who brings in a disk with a few files is not necessarily a pirate any more than a friend laying a copy of the lastest Depeche Mode album on you is a pirate. The *TRUE* pirate is plugged into a larger group of people who share similar interests in warez.

The majority of people who buy computers have no idea how to use one. I mean how to really use them. How to configure them properly, and that sort of thing. So when things get rough they call on a technician. After all the work is done they realize that the work that was done cost so much money! So why not offer free online programs that might help them with there computer. why shouldnt we be able to share information. Isn't this the "information super highway"? but then again even though theres law to this, its not unethical. it simply a network of people who have something in common and they want to share with eachother.

So what's a pirate? A pirate is somebody who believes that information belongs to the people. Just as a book can be zeroxed or placed in a library to be shared, pirates provide a type of library service. The experienced pirate even acts as a tutor in helping those who may have purchased warez. We don't bitch about serving as unpaid consultants to the computer industry, and we don't wouldn't think to request payment for our services. By providing a user-friendly network of information sharers, we increase computer literacy which is in everybody's mutual interests.

Computer literacy is one of the biggest focuses of the new millenium. If its all about the digital revolution, then why not have these people inform without being critized. There doing this for free for crying out loud. These are people who are doing this out there heart. For the love of the new world. For that I say, "Keep Fighting... Keep Fighting...".

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