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Thursday, October 26, 2006


Maroon 5 Makes Room on the wiped for Schoolwork

By the looks of this title a person would think that Maroon 5 had something to do with the article, well that doesn't seem to be the case. In this article by Mark salesman the practice of using I-pods for something more than just killing time listening to music, but more for a higher form of education seems to be the vocal point. In a private school students have been blessed with the technology and teachers who actually understand that this new wave and fad can be used for a better good. In their foreign language courses students are being asked to buy a 20 gigabyte I-pod which could go for an estimate of 300 dollars. If that seems to be too much then students could rent it for 50 bucks from the school. Now this seems to catch the interest of students and teachers alike. Now when looking at it from a different perpective or should I say a more underprivileged persepective, this form of learning and technology isn't available to certain schools. Though its a something new and very interactive I dont believe that this form of learning will spread. It may be something that many private schools will be experimenting with but the belief that it could spread to Public schools is looking bleek.

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