Monday, December 05, 2005
Conservatives Unite (Online) :: Columns :: Conservatives Unite by Jonathan Garthwaite
The Left is not alone in cyberspace. Conservative organizing is growing on the web at an amazing clip. Here is a link to discussing the use of "Conservative Townhall MeetUps" as a networking tool. According to this successful campaign is attracting national press attention:
The Left is not alone in cyberspace. Conservative organizing is growing on the web at an amazing clip. Here is a link to discussing the use of "Conservative Townhall MeetUps" as a networking tool. According to this successful campaign is attracting national press attention:
A lot of the media coverage lately has been focused on what the Left is doing online but quietly you've been building your own grassroots team.Both the Left and the Right are pouring a lot of time and money into exploiting the possibilities of online organizing. The fact that digital technology reduces the cost of networking has been a boon for the left which has not been able to afford access to the traditional commercial media in the same way as some well-funded liberal or conservative organizations.
And you're starting to get the credit you deserve.
In fact, the CEO of MeetUp told CNN's Inside Politics last month that you have grown the Townhall MeetUp faster than any other MeetUp topic has started out. 11,000 in the first month. Over 19,000 by this morning.
The nation's newspapers are noticing too.
New York Observer: "On the evening of Jan. 6, the Manhattan Lounge on Second Avenue and 89th Street became the amber-lit sanctuary of that rarest breed of New Yorker: the unapologetic conservative."