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Thursday, October 29, 2009


Pirates' are free loaders...

Piracy is a billion dollar “industry” that allows for someone to gain almost any form of information, without paying for it (like a library to the world of information). Storage is one thing, but piracy is like sampling everything in a store before you decide to buy.

It seems today is a new world where everyone is entitled to there fair share. “By keeping information open and flowing and not under the control of a privileged few, we are enhancing democracy and freedom of the market place.”- So You Want To Be a Pirate.

“We don't bitch about serving as unpaid consultants to the computer industry, and we don't wouldn't think to request payment for our services. By providing a user-friendly network of information sharers, we increase computer literacy which is in everybody's mutual interests.”-So You Want To Be a Pirate.

What’s wrong with computer literacy and sharing? To the pirates, nothing. But computer manufacturers estimate the cost of piracy at over four billion dollars annually. Pirates are more like the free loaders of today’s web of information, not Pirates.

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