Thursday, November 01, 2007
Intellectual Property

If America is one of the most popular countries for producing intellectual property, how can we survive if we don't support it? The jobs are leaving, how are we supposed to get paid?
"I am against illegal copying of music. I do believe it deprives artists of income. The fact that it deprives the fat cat record executives of all their 'pleasures' I do not see as a problem. However these executives will not sign up new acts unless they are making good money out of established acts."( Mike Bennitt)
How come we aren't buying albums? Downloading could be the reason why albums aren't as good as they used to be! But Anyway the artist is putting the life experience over expensive beats, giving all kinds of street smarts, swagger, and something to help you get through and a lot of you guys don't even support the thing that you love. Instead of spending $10 dollars when the album drops you go and download the CD! :( Now that just isn't right! Step your game up! It's all good when you don't have the money at the time or the album hasn't come out yet but how is the show going to continue if we don't support our hero's? If you love what you hear, pay for it. It's worth the $money$!
I take it that you agree with Bill Gates here. Although you seem to be discussing music rather than software. Should IP rights be enforced all the time? What right to the consumers have once they have made a purchase. What have you bought? The rights to a single performance? Can you sell or share what you have purhased? Can you use it to create something new?
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