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Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Google This...Gas

Google will not sell its own brand of gas, but it will direct you to the nearest hotel for a night of rest. Google announced this past Wednesday that it will be placing small color screens on gas pumps that will be connected to the Internet and offer you directions to landmarks, restaurants and hotels in that area. As of right now, you cannot type in your destination at the pump and get directions there, but you can get a print out of directions to one of the landmarks, hotels, etc.

“Motorists will be able to scroll through several categories to find local landmarks, hotels, restaurants and hospitals selected by the gas station's owner. After the driver selects a destination, the pump will print out directions.” (San Francisco, California (AP))

Maybe this will distract you enough so you don’t cringe when you pump gas at $3.25 a gallon. This is a nice concept because it opens Google up to even more people who may not be familiar with it, and allows Google to look good doing it. How many of us have been on a road trip and roll into a gas station late at night and try and get directions from the attendant who either does not speak English or has no idea of his surroundings. Google will save you!

As someone who is not good with directions and who also does not own a GPS, I am happy to try this out, but also if I was to go on a major trip somewhere, I think I would plan it out a bit and not rely on gas stations with Google at the pump.

Right now, this Google experiment will be used on 3500 pumps. The screens will be ad free as well.

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Amazing. What will they think of next. Touch screens above the urinals?
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