Monday, October 22, 2007
Is There Such A Thing Called Privacy Anymore?

I read Take My Privacy, Please! which was written by Ted Koppel. The article talked about how we have to give our privacy away to have certain luxuries in today's world. Onstar, which helps drivers get directions from their location and calls for help if you're in any kind of accident seems to be a luxury, especially when you hear about the people who accidentally drive off of a cliff. But when you actually think about it, the person on the other end of the phone can track you down without you even knowing it. And that's basically what the article talks about. There are so many devices that we use that other people can use to track where we are, where we've been and what we like to watch and eat. Sometimes I think that these things are good for us and the only reason someone would have a problem with them is because they may be doing something wrong. On the other hand, the government has a tendency to go overboard with the things they say and do and all of these tracking devices can be used aganist us.
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another article supporting the theories of the government invading peoples privacy. the sattilites that track you in a car through the onstar systems can help people track your movements. just as google map can use sattilites to see actual pictures of your neighborhood
Should government create laws to protect our privacy online? Should we rely on corporate ethics to safe-guard these databases?
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