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Monday, October 01, 2007


The Impact of New Technology

" The first signs of the next shift began to reveal themselves to me on a spring afternoon in the year 2000. That was when I began to notice people on the streets of Tokyo staring at their mobile phones instead of talking to them. The sight of this behavior, now commonplace in much of the world, triggered a sensation I had experienced a few times before-the instant recognition that a technology is going to change my life in ways I can scarcely imagine."

That, right there, is part of the first paragraph of the introduction in the book entilted Smart Mobs, written by Howard Rheingold. It obviously didn't take me very long to find something in this book that caught my eye and wanted to make we blog about but that first paragraph is so true. The impact of new technology these days all over the world is amazing. Technology that is now being introduced and that has recently been introduced is changing lives for everyone it encounters and it is quite insane. The new types of phones and features that they have are incredible and is something that has never been seen before and after reading this first paragraph, I had to write about this and agree with Mr. Rheingold 100% because he is absolutely right. Technology is growing at such a fast rate now-a-days and we are seeing things that are being done that we never thought possible.

True enough, but we need to get beyond the awe we feel for the wonders of new technology and get into a more in depth discussion of the implications of all of these advances.

How is a texting society different from a pre-texting society? Does texting allow for a different kind of social networking?

Rheingold says that this is going to change life in ways he can scarcely imagine, What can we observe? What can we imagine?
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