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Thursday, October 11, 2007


Ch. 9-10 Response

" I beleive we posses all the resources and talents necessary" "But the fact of the matter are that we have never made the national decisions or marshaled long-range goals on an urgent time schedule, or managed our resources and our time so as to ensure their fulfillment." (President Kennedy). Now as i flip back a couple of pages with that being said lol it was funny to me that it was said that "For a counrty as wealthy thatwe are, it is amazing how little we are doing to enhance our natural competitveness" said by Dinakar Singh. Its not really funny at all because as American people we do need to get smarter in math, science, and engineering so we can teach the new generation and create more American jobs! Because there is always the scare of um-employment because of outsourcing.

You are correct we need to improve our skills inorder to compete, but we will also need to work cheaper even if we improve our skills.

Please remember to spell-check and proof read before you post.
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